The Relief Consultants Enquiry: Unlock Your COVID-19 Relief Funds

From: Caleb Davis
Subject: The Relief Consultants Enquiry: Unlock Your COVID-19 Relief Funds

Message Body:
Hey there, hope everything’s going well with you~

I was just going through your website, and would it be correct to assume that you are classified as self-employed?

As a self-employed American, I just wanted to let you know that you may be eligible for up to $32,220 through the IRS’s Self-Employed Tax Credit program:

If you want, you can easily check your estimated refund amount for the SETC program:

BTW,if you do decide that this is for you, please know that our process is designed with your security in mind.

We get paid only if we’ve successfully secured your funds, ensuring an entirely risk-free experience for our clients.

Hoping to hear from you.

Best regards,

Caleb Davis

SETC Relief Consultants
+1 619 798 8260

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